OK, breathe, Lily, breathe….

OK, breathe, Lily, breathe….

by Lily on March 9, 2009

So I was meant to be going home today but it did not happen. I seemed to have picked up a lurgy somewhere around here (hospital hazard) so I am going to be campaigning to go home Wednesday now instead.

Not being able to go home brings up all that stuff that I have written about before. Disappointment, anger, sadness. It all makes a show. I have had admissions that have gone on for 8 weeks, by then I have been so out of my mind with home sickness that I am almost going crazy. I get sick of the medical staff and their ever present opinions on what’s best for you and really sick of the food choices. When you think you are going to go home and take hit after hit, people saying to you “it’s OK, it is only a couple more days”, you get to the the end of your tether pretty quickly. They get to go home to their family everyday – it is easier to say it when you can do that, I suppose. This time I have only been in 10 days but in my eyes that is 10 days without my family and friends. But I comfort myself with the fact that at least it is not 8 weeks!

So while I am still here I thought I would take a leaf out of my friend Somer’s blog (Love to Breathe) and put out an open call to anyone who has any questions about living with Chronic Illness, hospital, my goals and dreams or just about me. You can comment below or your can email me at lily@thelifewecherish.com if you prefer privacy. I look forward to answering your questions, I will post them on Friday. Feel free to ask anything – it can be anonymous if you prefer. Ask away, I am ready to go!

Please don’t hesitate to write if there is something that you would like me to answer for you. I cannot wait to hear your questions….. talk to you soon!

All the best, Lily


For more information on this blog or myself please see the ABOUT page, or the great posts on the ARTICLES page

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Somer Love March 11, 2009 at 4:56 am

I am sorry you didn’t get out….. When do you think you will now? Keep your chin up!

So Ill ask the same … What are your non medical goals for the future?

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