2009 January (2) — Page 2

From the monthly archives:

January 2009

Support Networks – Siblings (we love them!)

by Lily on January 14, 2009

Everyone living with Chronic Illness and Injury knows that the help of a great support network makes a huge difference to one’s quality of life. To have your family and friends help you through tough times is a huge load off your shoulders. I know that I could not have got through my rough patch without the […]

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When you cannot do the thing you love….

by Lily on January 12, 2009

This post is a request from my Mum (hey, Lizzie!). Today I was home with Mum, feeling  a bit lousy. I have a bit of a virus going on but you have to look at the positives so it meant I was able to get out a couple of DVD’s and watch them in the middle of […]


Spread the LOVE!

by Lily on January 9, 2009

I have a wonderful family who I am very close to. And while we all know that we are loved by each other, we do not often express this to each other. That is changing though…. In December 2006, my father passed away. He had suffered from ill health after having a heart transplant 15 […]


Getting through a “flat” day….

by Lily on January 7, 2009

NOTE: Please see the comments below if you need a definition of “flat”! Everyone has flat days. Everyone. They are not specific to chronic illness or injury but they do come with the territory. A while back all I had were flat days, I could not bring myself to do anything other than hide from […]


Life is a BLESSING!

by Lily on January 5, 2009

I found this video last night and something compelled me to watch it, I am so glad I did. Please watch for yourself and see what a beautiful gift it is for both Eliot and the world. This video really encompasses what I am trying to convey here at “The Life We Cherish”. That no […]